Info on 80/10/10 LFRV

Why Low-Fat? 80/10/10?
There are three main nutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. Human bodies were designed to eat no more than 10% of their calories from fat, and no more than 10% of their calories from protein. That leaves at least 80% of calories consumed to be carbohydrates. The easiest form of carbohydrate for your body to digest and assimilate is from fruits. Is that alot of sugar? Yes, and that's precisely what every cell in your body runs on. Too much fat in the bloodstream combined with sugars slows down the assimilation process, making for "high blood sugar", which can lead other health problems.

Why Raw?
Cooking living foods "kills" them. It makes proteins stick together, adds toxicity. Cooking foods also wastes energy, more than cars. 

Why Vegan?
The human body was designed for fruits and vegetables. That's the main reason.
(...of course I could go into the suffering of animals and cruelty of humans that goes on behind tightly-locked-from-the-public factory farm doors, not to mention the impact on the environment and third world countries' economies who are clearing rain-forest land daily to farm animals to turn into Big Macs, but for me the fact that eating animal products is detrimental to our health is enough.)

Oh My Gawd, Where's the Protein?
Its in the fruits and vegetables. Seriously. Look it up. Bananas are 4% protein. Romaine lettuce is 24% protein.

If you are interested in learning more about the diet I am following these 100 days, you should go straight to the source. Check out Doug "Mr. 80/10/10" Graham's FAQ:

Another really great resource for support and information is: