For 100 days (and beyond if it's poppin'), I will be eating a Low-Fat Raw Vegan diet. For more info on the Low-Fat Raw Vegan diet, check out the "Info on 80/10/10" tab.
I have been mostly raw, mostly lowfat and mostly vegan for the last three and a half years. I have witnessed my health, happiness, and fitness improve dramatically. I am curious to see what happens if I go all the way.
The challenges I face:
-it's less fun eating alone and less fun eating different stuff than who you're hanging with.
-feel bad saying no to offers of home-prepared food.
-hard to say no to offers of free food.
Reasons its important I overcome the challenges:
-once I eat a little something outside of my desired diet (say oily-fried potatoes with mustard and tabasco), I invariably want more because I'm not satisfied!
Ways to ensure my overcome-ery:
-remembering to have ripe fruit on me at all times.
-remember the reasons I am eating this way.
-making it like a game (having this blog challenge that I post publicly to)